Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Defining Label

Urban dictionary defines Household Six as this: military man's stay-at-home wife. Sometimes keeps up with the arduous tasks of shining boots, picking up laundry, and shopping, but mostly just a strain on meager Department of Defense budgets, and the military husband. The name is derived from where said wife spends most of her time, and the number 6 is the designation for a commander of a Company/Troop, Battalion/Squadron, Brigade/Regiment, Division or Corps.

So, is this how I define MYSELF you may ask? Well, whether I want to or not, yes. I, Ashley, am so many more things. Mother, daughter, sister, medical assistant, hypochondriac, emotional wreck, survivor....those are some of my labels. However, yes, I suppose it's my most defining. It encapsulates every part of my life and encroaches on every single thing I do. Sometimes, it's like a dark cloud hanging over my head in a black sky. Others, it's like a proud badge I wear, letting everyone know that this is what I do and it's not something just anyone can do and succeed. I have the privilege of knowing others who can and the unfortunate task of encountering the ones who can't and seeing them fall.

So, I've decided to chronicle the events in my life that live up to this label or any other label I may have for that matter. This should be good......


  1. Love it and I can't wait to read more! Love you!

  2. I love this, but I think you need to add friend to a lot, best to a few. You are also a comforter you have comforted me since the day you were born. Love you!
